With our Strategy, we build a better society: we generate efficient energy from renewable sources and obtain yields with sustainability criteria.
Celsia is an energy company, where we have found new ways to advise our clients with advanced, innovative solutions, so that their homes or companies can connect and enjoy all the advantages of the new era of energy in the countries where we are present. Likewise, we create quality employment with competitive remuneration and superior benefits; we obtain yields for our Shareholders and Investors with sustainability criteria, and we work together with our Stakeholders to harmoniously grow together.
GRI (102-4, 102-6, 102-7) We are a Grupo Argos company, passionate about renewable energy and energy efficiency, present in Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras. We are convinced that a more sustainable world is possible. We generate and transmit efficient energy from renewable sources (water, sun and wind) with thermal backup.
GRI (102-2, 102-7) Our business model is focused on three main segments: Asset Management, Businesses and Cities, and Homes, where we generate value in a responsible, profitable and respectful manner. Currently, in Colombia, we serve more than 1,200,000 clients in 39 municipalities in Valle del Cauca, 47 in Tolima, one in Chocó (San José de Palmar) and three in Cundinamarca.
Within each of our segments, we offer the following business models:Â
This is how we create value: We give the best energy to our clients and interact with other Stakeholders.
We present you the most relevant milestones of 2021, associated with compliance of our MEGA:
We understand sustainability as the change to grow and remain over time. That is why we innovatively anticipate risks to turn them into profitable, respectful and responsible growth opportunities.
At Celsia we evolve to meet the challenges of the industry and create value:
GRI (102-40)
GRI (103-1, 102-40, 102-42, 102-43) At Celsia, we are convinced that in order to create shared value in the long term and achieve our purpose of being a company that wants to grow and remain over time, the constant relationship with our Stakeholders is essential. For this reason, we focus on maintaining a permanent, transparent dialogue within a framework of mutual trust that allows us to become their allies based on the analysis of risks and opportunities, establishing the best communication strategies with each one of them to receive, manage and attend their suggestions, comments and expectations.
GRI (103-2) In the Company, we maintain a permanent relationship with all our Stakeholders. We have a particular relationship strategy attending to their requests, recommendations and suggestions with clear, transparent and fluid responses, in order to meet their expectations. Likewise, we have a Risk Manual to identify and treat the risks of relationships with our Stakeholders, such as social, political, regulatory and reputational risk.
Periodically, we review our Stakeholders, based on international benchmarks and the criteria proposed by the AA1000SES Accountability Standard and the Mitchell, R. Agle, B. & Wood, D. Methodology, which proposes a holistic view of the relationship, analyzing the actors according to their power, legitimacy and urgency, as well as their attribute of attention (latent, expectant and definitive).
GRI (103-3) During most of 2021, we continued to work virtually, promoting the five principles of action that we adopted in connection with the pandemic context. These were:
With this Commitment and based on maintaining the permanent relationship, we highlight the main events with our Stakeholders:
On a quarterly basis, we delivered the Company’s results to our Shareholders and Investors through conference calls including the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Indicators and the analytics dashboard so that they could monitor and control, analyze and understand the variations of the Company’s economic, social and environmental results.
Together with associations and aggregations, we actively participate in identifying opportunities and regulatory difficulties for the development of new energy-generation projects by promoting and boosting different proposals and bills, necessary to achieve the transformation of the sector in the countries where we are present.
In the communities of our areas of influence, we promoted more than 143 spaces for participation and dialogue between communities and companies, which allowed community participation, within the framework of the development of new projects and the operation of our assets, highlighting the development of prior consultations with 122 ethnic communities in the areas of influence of the new projects in La Guajira and Sucre.
DJSI (1.2.2) GRI (103-2, 102-46, 102-47) Our Materiality Analysis made in 2018 is still valid. Below, we detail the key issues for the permanence of our business over time and how we carry out the process of identifying and prioritizing them:
GRI (102-47)
At Celsia, we are committed to the call of the United Nations (UN) to achieve sustainable development by 2030. Therefore, in line with the Global Sustainability Agenda, we have prioritized seven Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) considering the positive and negative impacts that we generate according to the prioritization exercises carried out. The SDGs that we have prioritized are:
ESG criteria: Attributes that measure Environmental, Social and Corporate-Governance performance that organizations manage. These criteria provide Stakeholders with a comprehensive look at the company in addition to financial indicators.
LuzI.A.:Â A virtual assistant programmed to serve our customers with 24/7 availability; it was created to provide solutions for transactions or concern and make life easier for our clients.
Materiality:Â The environmental, social and economic issues which will be decisive for the Company in the coming years.
MEGA:Â Large and Ambitious Goal (Meta Grande y Ambiciosa) that provides strategic guidelines to the Organization.
Stakeholders: Groups of people who are part of the Organization and others with whom we maintain diverse relationships. Receiving and managing their suggestions, comments and expectations is essential to fulfill the Organization’s strategy.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): An initiative of the United Nations (UN) to achieve a sustainable future for all. The 17 goals are interrelated and incorporate the global challenges that we face every day, including poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and justice.
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MedellÃn, Colombia
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Consolidate a potent portfolio of diversified, resilient and competitive generation.
Grow profitably, incorporate technology to operate efficiently and provide the best service in the country.
Consolidate a potent portfolio of diversified, resilient and competitive generation.
Grow profitably, incorporate technology to operate efficiently and provide the best service in the country.