We mitigate reputational risks and facilitate access to new businesses, markets and clients, thanks to the strengthening of our Corporate Governance
GRI (103-1) To maintain credibility, security and trust in the Company, as well as sustainable growth, at Celsia we have high Corporate Governance standards, which allow us to strengthen and secure the relationship with our Stakeholders. We adopt good practices to guarantee Shareholders and investors and the market in general the disclosure of clear, timely information, proper management of Administrators and Administrative Bodies, conflicts of interest, transparency in decision making, and risk management, among others.
GRI (103-2)
Celsia has implemented a series of Corporate Guidelines and Policies that establish the framework for the adequate, efficient management of good Corporate Governance practices, which can be consulted on the Company’s Website. Among these documents are:
GRI (102-18) The Shareholders’ Assembly is Celsia’s highest Corporate Body and is made up of those who own shares in the Company. This Corporate Body meets at least once a year to find out the results and the main and most-relevant information, as well as to decide on certain matters that are essential for the Company’s correct development and management. To this extent, the Shareholders’ Assembly is one of the most-relevant spaces for Celsia, since it is there where the Administrators’ management is presented and decisions are made that have an impact on the execution of the Corporate Purpose and the proper management of the Businesses.
GRI (102-19)
Celsia’s Bylaws, which are approved by the Shareholders’ Assembly, establish that the Board of Directors will be delegated the broadest mandate to manage the Company and, therefore, this Corporate Body will have sufficient powers to order that any act or contract included within the Corporate Purpose is executed or entered into and to adopt the necessary determinations in order for it to fulfill its purposes. Likewise, they indicate that one of the functions of the Shareholders’ Assembly is to delegate to the Board of Directors – when it deems it appropriate and for specific cases – one or more of its functions that can be delegated in accordance with current laws, which includes the delegation of authority for economic, environmental and social issues.
DJSI (1.1.12, 1.1.13) GRI (102-5)
* No Government entity holds Celsia Shares in a proportion greater than 5%.
* There is no Founding family that has Shares in a proportion greater than 5%
DJSI (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.1.7) GRI (102-18, 102-22)
See the profiles of the Members of our Board of Directors:
DJSI (1.1.1, 1.1.7) GRI (102-18, 102-22) During the past four years, our Board of Directors has been composed of 7 independent directors.
GRI (102-26, 102-29, 102-31, 102-33, 102-34)
Among the most-relevant issue presented by the Administration to the Board of Directors for decision making were:
Additionally, a Board of Directors meeting is held without the Administration, and the analysis of the self-assessment of the Board of Directors, the Board Committees and the Celsia CEO is carried out.
Noteworthy is that the Administration updates the Board of Directors on the matters that have been made known to it through the different channels it has to relate to Stakeholders, where Directors find opportunities to improve, resolve concerns and meet the expectations of Shareholders and Investors.
DJSI (1.1.5) GRI (102-24)
Through the electoral quotient system (unless the appointment is unanimous), the General Shareholders’ Assembly – the body in charge of electing on an annual basis – carries out an individual election process for the members of the Board of Directors, in which the following elements are taken into account:
GRI (102-35, 102-36)
The General Shareholders’ Assembly is in charge of setting the remuneration of this Governing Body; for this, it takes into account its structure, obligations, responsibilities, as well as the personal and professional qualities of its members, their experience and the time they must dedicate to this activity. The Company has not established any type of variable compensation for the members of the Board of Directors. People related to Grupo Argos S. A. do not receive remuneration for their participation in the Committees of the Board of Directors.
GRI (102-27)
The Company constantly promotes and seeks to train the members of the Board of Directors to expand their knowledge in relation to the new projects in which it is venturing and different topics with great impact and interest for the organization; for example, cybersecurity, new technologies, sources, markets and other relevant aspects of the industry. This, with the aim of facilitating decision making and ensuring the effective, active participation of the members during the meetings. During 2021, these were the trainings:
DJSI (1.1.5) GRI (102-28)
Based on the Code of Good Corporate Governance (Number 7 of Chapter III), at Celsia the Board of Directors and its Committees are evaluated by an external, independent expert, during the period for which they were elected; in the year they are not evaluated under this methodology, a self-assessment of its management is carried out. In 2021, the Board of Directors carried out a self-assessment on the operation and structure of the Board of Directors, the Board Committees and the Celsia CEO.
Luis Felipe Vélez
Comercial Leader
Santiago Arango
Corporate Affairs Leader
Javier Gutiérrez
Centroamérica Leader
Ricardo Sierra
Carlos Alberto Solano
Regulatory Affairs Leader
Esteban Piedrahíta
Finance Leader
Julián Cadavid
Transsmition and
Distribution Leader
Simón Pérez
Innovation Leader
Marcelo Álvarez
Generation Leader
GRI (102-20) Our Steering Committee is committed to Celsia through:
The Executive-level roles that are directly related to economic, environmental and social issues are, respectively: the Financial Leader (economic), the Commercial Leader (economic), the Generation Leader (environmental and social), the Transmission and Distribution Leader (environmental and social), the Human Talent and Organizational-Solutions Leader (social), and the Corporate Affairs Leader (social and sustainability). These roles, which are part of the Steering Committee, are also responsible for reporting to the Board of Directors on the Company’s environmental, social and economic issues.
TCFD (Gobernanza – a.)
Aware that climate change is the greatest current challenge for humanity, this is one of the most relevant issues that is brought to the Board of Directors and its Support Committees, which monitor and supervise the defined objectives and goals related to climate change, and the respective progress that has been achieved during the year, analyzing – in turn – the impacts that it could have on the Company’s Strategy.
The teams that manage issues related to climate change present the progress of the Climate Change Strategy to the Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee, where they provide a complete context of how the Company is managing the issue, what the Action Plan is and how it is going against the fulfillment of each goal and objective established. Subsequently, the Chairman of this Committee is in charge of taking the information to the Board of Directors; that is, both the members of the Board of Directors and the Support Committee actively participate in this matter, making comments, suggestions and recommendations, ensuring the fulfillment of the Strategy.
The Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee meets at least twice a year or when necessary. During 2021, two sessions of the Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee were held, where the progress of the Strategy was presented. The details of the Climate Change Strategy and the progress made were presented to the Board of Directors by the Committee Chairman. In these sessions, the Action Plans and established Guidelines are reviewed and approved, to make strategic business decisions that leverage the fulfillment of the goals related to climate change.
The Investor Relations (IR) Issuers Seal from the Colombian Stock Exchange, for transparency and good corporate governance, since 2013 (nine consecutive years).
ALAS20, Year 2021:
2nd Place in the category Leading Company in Sustainability, Colombia.
3rd Place in the category Leading Company in Corporate Governance, Colombia.
4th Place in the category Leading Company in Investor Relations, Colombia.
In the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI): Company with the Best Performance in Sustainability in the Electric Sector in Colombia and 8th in the World.
The Bronze Medal in the Electric Energy Sector in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, which – each year – evaluates the economic, environmental and social performance of more than 7,000 companies from all business sectors.
These are our short-, medium- and long-term challenges
Corporate Codes and Policies: They are the documents approved by the Celsia Steering Committee or the Board of Directors, which determine the framework and guidelines regarding a certain matter, so that the Stakeholders have performance parameters aligned with those of the Organization.
Corporate Governance: The system of principles, policies and guidelines that guides the way the Company and the relationships with the different Stakeholders are guided.
Stakeholders: Groups of people within the Organization or third parties, with whom we maintain diverse relationships, according to the type of relationship they have with the Company. Receiving and managing their suggestions, comments and expectations is essential to fulfill our strategy.
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Jorge Mario has extensive skills in economic, environmental and social issues, since – throughout his career – he has held management, strategy and leadership positions, especially in the infrastructure sector. Likewise, he is a member of the Grupo Argos Foundation Board of Directors, which works on education, culture and environmental issues.
Experience in the Energy Industry
Jorge Mario has extensive skills in economic, environmental and social issues, since – throughout his career – he has held management, strategy and leadership positions, especially in the infrastructure sector. Likewise, he is a member of the Grupo Argos Foundation Board of Directors, which works on education, culture and environmental issues.
Experience in the Energy Industry
Alejandro is a Business Administrator and the positions he has held – including Vice President of Capital Markets at Bancolombia Investment Bank, Director of Economic Investments, and Senior Analyst in the area of Financial Structuring and Corporate Finances at Corfinsura – demonstrate his broad competencies are economic issues.
Experience in the Energy Industry
Alejandro is a Business Administrator and the positions he has held – including Vice President of Capital Markets at Bancolombia Investment Bank, Director of Economic Investments, and Senior Analyst in the area of Financial Structuring and Corporate Finances at Corfinsura – demonstrate his broad competencies are economic issues.
Experience in the Energy Industry
Rafael was Celsia’s Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Vice President of Legal and Institutional Affairs at Grupo Argos. In both companies, he participated in the direction of their Foundations, in the development of infrastructure projects from the legal, social, sustainability and environmental points of view, and in the operation of businesses that have a large social and environmental component. All of the foregoing demonstrate his extensive competence in these matters.
Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee.
Experience in the Energy Industry
Rafael was Celsia’s Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Vice President of Legal and Institutional Affairs at Grupo Argos. In both companies, he participated in the direction of their Foundations, in the development of infrastructure projects from the legal, social, sustainability and environmental points of view, and in the operation of businesses that have a large social and environmental component. All of the foregoing demonstrate his extensive competence in these matters.
Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee.
Experience in the Energy Industry
María Fernanda has training in external auditing, certified management systems, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility; therefore, she has skills in economic and social matters.
Experience in the Energy Industry
María Fernanda has training in external auditing, certified management systems, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility; therefore, she has skills in economic and social matters.
Experience in the Energy Industry
María Luisa has had a professional career focused on advising on civil and commercial-law matters, which demonstrates her experience and competence in economic matters.
Experience in the Energy Industry
María Luisa has had a professional career focused on advising on civil and commercial-law matters, which demonstrates her experience and competence in economic matters.
Experience in the Energy Industry
David has extensive experience in the electrical and mining sectors, involving economic, environmental and social issues. Additionally, having been Director of Investment Banking at Corporación Financiera del Valle and an independent consultant, he has developed these skills.
Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
Appointment and Remuneration Committee
Experience in the Energy Industry
David has extensive experience in the electrical and mining sectors, involving economic, environmental and social issues. Additionally, having been Director of Investment Banking at Corporación Financiera del Valle and an independent consultant, he has developed these skills.
Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
Appointment and Remuneration Committee
Experience in the Energy Industry
Having been Minister of Economic Development, CEO of Naturgas and a business consultant, Eduardo has expertise in economic, public-policy and environmental matters. Additionally, he has been an advisor on government affairs, community relations and corporate image.
Audit, Finance and Risk Committee.
Experience in the Energy Industry
Having been Minister of Economic Development, CEO of Naturgas and a business consultant, Eduardo has expertise in economic, public-policy and environmental matters. Additionally, he has been an advisor on government affairs, community relations and corporate image.
Audit, Finance and Risk Committee.
Experience in the Energy Industry