Energy that transforms

Integrated Report 2021

Celsia Culture

Labor Practices

Our Celsia Culture strengthen the competencies of our employees and their innovative and agile thinking, oriented to the service of our clients.

GRI (103-1) At Celsia, we give our best to grow together and we act respecting the regulatory framework of each country related to labor practices. We ensure that the productivity of our employees develops in healthy environments; we generate the conditions that foster innovation in our work teams, which allows us to adapt to market conditions and demands.  One of the factors of our sustainability is expressed in the well-being of our employees and in requiring it of those who are part of our value chain, in order to ensure the implementation of the best practices of our cultural pillars and sharing a common vision, aligned to our Great and Ambitious Goal Strategy (MEGA, in Spanish).

GRI (103-2) At Celsia, we recognize that all people have the right to equal opportunities regardless of their ethnic group, country of origin, sexual orientation, race, ability, gender, age or even personal interest; therefore, we promote positive labor relations, under a framework of assertive communication.  We build spaces for close relationships and trust among employees and groups.  In our Diversity Policy, we declare our commitment to diversity and gender equity as a fundamental element of our culture.  We have policies, procedures and a Code of Conduct that guide the actions of the Company and our employees, promoting honest, transparent and comprehensive behavior in the performance of their duties.

Learn about the Indicators that reflect the composition of our workforce and other relevant data related to our labor practices.

GRI (103-3)
Employment Generation

A total of 69 new employees joined our Company, representing an increase of 3.24% in our payroll. In Colombia, it grew 6.69%, going from having 1,897 employees in 2020 to 2,024 in 2021.

Diversity and Equity

  • More than 681 women made up the Celsia team in Colombia and Central America, and we carried out joint work with SENA (the National Learning Service of Colombia) for the training in and development of labor skills in the electricity sector aimed at women to continue strengthening equity in this industry.
  • Through our Diversity Policy, we declare our commitment to respect and promote diversity and gender equity as fundamental element of our culture. We have a Respect Policy, which promotes a culture of principles and values, where respect is the basis of our relationships, establishing mechanisms and tools for the prevention and immediate resolution of situations of workplace harassment, within the framework of the Workplace Coexistence Committee.
  • Our workforce of women was increased by 6.74%, compared to the previous year, while that of men was 1.74%. This ratifies our commitment to increase the participation of women in a sector that has traditionally been occupied by men.

Collective-Bargaining Negotiation

In 2021, we had collective-bargaining processes with union organizations and – within the framework of a relationship of trust and mutual respect, we managed to reach a direct agreement, signing the collective labor agreements that will regulate labor relations. These processes were carried out in a joint effort to fulfill the Company’s goals and generate well-being for our employees.

New Challenges

GRI (103-2)

These are our short-, medium- and long-term challenges:


(0 to 2 years)
  • Implement strategies to continue strengthening labor relations with employees, under our pillars of culture and a positive, close relationship, in preparation for the following collective-bargaining cycles.
  • Continue strengthening the support and development of our suppliers within the implementation of the Contractor Management Model.
(3 to 5 years)
  • Continue implementing a dynamic of empowerment and training for the leaders of each team and human talent, so that they are ambassadors of a culture of positive, close, transparent and assertive labor relations.
  • Strengthen the action framework and labor-practice standards of our suppliers, in accordance with current labor regulations and our Contractor Management Model.
  • Continue strengthening the Celsia Leadership Model, with a positive relationship that is lived homogeneously in all Company teams and places.
(6 or more years)
  • Consolidate in a manual the good labor practices that we have at Celsia as a reference mechanisms and evolution of our model.
  • Have 35% women in our total workforce in management and junior management positions by 2030.


Collective Bargaining:  A voluntary process conducted between workers’ associations grouped in collective pacts or union organizations and employers.

Manual of Good Labor Practices:   A document that consolidates the actions and behaviors that are in accordance with the labor practices of an organization.

MEGA:  Large and Ambitious Goal (Meta Grande y Ambiciosa) that provides strategic guidelines to the Organization.