Energy that transforms

Integrated Report 2021

We Take Care of the Planet


At Celsia, we achieve eco-efficiency by focusing on the optimal, efficient use of natural resources.

GRI (103-1) At Celsia, we understand that to remain over time, we must focus on the optimal, efficient use of natural resources contributing to their conservation; therefore, in our assets and projects, we apply principles of good socio-environmental practices, such as the efficient use of energy, the management of waste or debris, the management of discharges and the control of atmospheric emissions, giving the best to grow together and keeping in mind the expectations of our Stakeholders.

GRI (103-2) In compliance with the Environmental Policy, environmental management develops and implements activities for the correct use of resources through the implementation of actions that are aligned with the Organization’s short-, medium- and long-term socio-environmental goals, as well as in compliance with current environmental jurisprudence in each region.

Our actions are reflected in:

At Celsia, the comprehensive management of waste or debris aims to identify the aspects  related to their generation, separation and treatment at their source, as well as the collection, transfer, and transportation, treatment, cycling and final disposal, focusing our management on the principles of circular economy and with our commitment to its implementation. Likewise, we consider the prevention in the affectation of human health (Stakeholders of the Organization), as well as environmental pollution through the application of good practices in the management of hazardous and non-hazardous debris or waste, ensuring legal compliance and achieving better performance based on guidelines and responsibilities that must be applied by us and our contractors within the framework of Corporate Policies.  
Non-Hazardous Waste
DJSI (2.3.5) GRI (306-3)

  • We raised awareness and formed an interdisciplinary group of teams on circular-economy issues to define and implement strategies within the Organization’s businesses.
  • We formed a work cell aimed at formulating pilot projects on the topic of circular economy.
  • We continued with the implementation of the forestry program, where the plant material resulting from the maintenance of the high-, medium- and low-voltage lines is used in composting activities.
  • We made the adjustment and implementation of the comprehensive waste- or debris-management procedure, in accordance with Resolution Number 2184 of 2019 for Colombia.

Hazardous Waste

DJSI (2.3.11) GRI (306-3) Regarding hazardous waste, we had an increase in the internal and external re-use of the waste generated, which reduces pressure on disposal sites and encourages post-consumption policies (extended producer-responsibility policies). This reflects the actions aimed at the Organization’s circular-economy processes.

Other Waste

DJSI (2.3.8) SASB (IF-EU-150a.1) It is important to highlight that this type of waste was generated by the combustion of the Bahía Las Minas Thermal Power Plant, in the Colón Thermal Complex in Panama, which had a structured closure in 2021. Therefore, during this year, we did not generate waste from ash or plaster.

DJSI (2.3.6, 2.3.7, 2.3.9, 2.3.10 y 2.3.12) SASB (IF-EU-120a.1) Our Organization recognizes and manages changes in the environment; for this reason, the emission of atmospheric pollutants for air quality and for the availability of natural resources is a priority, and for this:

Through the mitigation hierarchy, we seek to reduce the environmental impacts associated with atmospheric emissions, investing significant resources for the use of environmentally friendly cleaner fuels and efficient technologies.

Atmospheric Emissions (Particulate Matter, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and SF6) in 2021

SASB (IF-EU 120-a-1) TCFD (Metrics and Goals -c) At Celsia, during 2021, there were no mercury emissions, due to the fact that the Bahía Las Minas Power Plant in the Colón Thermal Complex in Panama stopped generating energy with fossil fuel (coal). The pollutants of Particulate Matter (PM), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Sulfur Oxide (SOx) that are emitted are not in densely populated areas or in areas close to them.

Water discharge management

GRI (303-4) For our sites or work center that have a water concession for domestic uses, we have a Domestic Wastewater Treatment System (STARD, in Spanish), which allows us to make controlled discharges, meeting the requirements established by the current environmental regulations of each country where we are present.

GRI (103-3)  During 2021, the primary results on the subject were:

We changed the Group 1 and 2 inlet valves at the Calima Hydroelectric Plant, in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, which allowed us to improve the reliability and safety in the operation and eliminate leaks. We contributed to the optimization of 237 million m3 during 2021, and exceeded the goal set for savings of 124 Mm3 in accumulated hydraulic resources for the year in question.

Thanks to the structured closure of the Bahía Las Minas Thermal Power Plant in the Colón Thermal Complex in Panama, power generation with solid fossil fuel (coal) was eliminated, which has a positive impact on the consumption of energy resources and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

We increased the recycling of non-hazardous waste, due to the good practices developed in the Company. In Panama, all the components of defective photovoltaic panels were used, in order to make the least-possible final disposal in landfills or dumps.

As for SF6 emissions, we had an 11.6% reduction, thanks to good practices and preventive maintenance carried out on our assets in operation.

New Challenges

GRI (103-2)

These are our short-, medium- and long-term challenges:

(0 to 2 years)
  • Manage the information of the different environmental variables in the operation and maintenance of assets, to strengthen the reporting, registration and consolidation of information through an app build to suit the Organization.
  • Update the Environmental Goals to establish the indicators and their goals for the different businesses.
  • Continue with the Zero Waste (Basura Cero) Program in the Administrative Offices in Panama.
  • Formulate and implement circular-economy pilot projects in the Organization.
  • Build a waste goal associated with scheduled maintenance, containing indicators for each of the Organization’s assets by its management.
  • Implement the sale of Carbon Bonda for the emission avoided by energy generation under the MDL or VERRA Standards.
(3 to 5 years)
  • Continue implementing the program for saving and efficient use of water and compliance with the goals established.
  • Strengthen operational controls aimed at the comprehensive management of chemical products and the handling of hydrocarbons.
  • Change the Group 1 and 2 inlet valves at the Bajo Anchicayá Hydroelectric Power Plant, in Valle de Cauca, Colombia, to improve reliability and safety in operation and eliminate leaks.
  • Consolidate the Circular-Economy Strategy for Celsia.
(6 or more years)
  • Continue developing protection and conservation actions for different species.
  • Develop Efficiency and Energy-Saving Plans.


Atmospheric Emissions:  The pollutants released directly into the atmosphere. Some originate as a consequence of chemical reactions and others correspond to the continuous or discontinuous discharge of matter, substances or forms of energy coming directly or indirectly from any source that may cause air pollution.

Hazardous Waste:  Non-recyclable waste considered hazardous because it has intrinsic properties that pose risks to health and the environment.

Hydrobiological Resources:  The organisms that spend their entire life, or part of it, in an aquatic environment and are used by man directly or indirectly.

Non-Hazardous Waste:  The waste that does not cause damage to the environment or the health of living beings, since it does not undergo significant physical, chemical or biological transformations.

Thermal district:  An urban-distribution network that produces steam, hot water and ice water; from a central plant it is transported by underground pipes to the buildings that comprise it, in order to heat spaces, domestic water or produce air conditioning.

VERRA:  An international organization committed to supporting climate action and sustainable development through standards, tools and frameworks that assess environmental and social impacts at the project and program level.